Female Union Films

Project completed at Ahoy

Female Union Films (FU Films) is a venture by Nikki Sault, a producer who has made her name with Warped Films when producing the This Is England films and has since moved on to work with talent such as Liam Gallagher. 

Female Union is a safe haven for women in the TV and film industry. Having to put up with years of abuse, the name of the company is a blunt, direct statement.

The identity features a no-nonsense condensed sans serif typography and a black and white palette throughout. The logo is a flag, combining two crosses to symbolise resistance. It’s also a universal symbol for females, and becomes a rallying cry for women in a male dominated industry. Additional graphics reference typical counter-culture materials such as stickers and tape.

Born out of the ambition and desire for equality that the Me Too campaign has created within the film industry, Female Union is carrying the flag for women in film and spreading the word that success has no gender. These strong brand values and powerful story are conveyed through a written manifesto. The theme of anti-censorship was prominent influence and led the visual direction.


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